A New Europe (Alternate history set in 1952)

An Nu Eoraip!

A New Europe!

(Authors note: What follows is a work of fiction. It  is supposed to be an Irish History text book, written after the event of a Nazi  victory in World war two. IT IS NOT  IN ANY WAY MY PERSONAL VIEWS.)

In the last chapter the we learnt how the Irish had  after centuries of unremitting struggle had  defeated the British Empire.  Only to have defeat snatched from the jaws of victory by treason and Murder.

Yet despite this the majority of the Irish people where free of the British boot. 

However great tasks still  remained  undone. Not only in Ireland but across Europe.

Following the slaughter of the Great War. Russia who had been knocked out of the war by skilful German Generalship. In 1917 collapsed into anarchy. Famine and chaos reigned across the unhappy land in the East

Before the Russian people had a chance to establish a fair and free government. Power was seized from their hands by a small band of murderers, and Jews. The Bolsheviks, led by  Lenin. The Bolsheviks plunged Russia into Darkness.

Communism was the greatest evil of our age. It is an abomination. Detestable in the eyes of God and all good men.  Communism was based on  a perversion of Christs teachings.

Blessed are the poor in spirit" were the first words that fell from the lips of the Divine Master in His sermon on the mount.[1a]

To an innocent ear Communism seems wonderful;. It is based on the principle of from each according to his ability to each according to his means. It promises a truly equal society.

Equality under Communism was NOT to be achieved by sacrifice and charity. It was to be done with  violence and fear.
Instead of Christian charity in which each Christian gives what he can to the greater good. The Bolsheviks would steal everything from everyone.  Bread from the mouths of hungry children. The widow's pennies  from her purse. Anything the Bolsheviks could steal they would, to  fuel their evil lust for power. 

Communism is by its nature anti-religious. It considers religion as "the opiate of the people" because the principles of religion which speak of a life beyond the grave dissuade the proletariat from the dream of a Soviet paradise which is of this world (2a)

The Russian people where thus denied their only comfort. That of their Church. The Bolshevists had a hatred of Christianity.  Largely due to their Jewish origins. Across the East Churches were burnt. Priests and nuns murdered. Millions of people were exiled into Siberia. To spend their days as slaves in Labour camps, like the brave Irishmen and women who had been transported to Barbados. 

Marriage and modesty where sneered at by the Bolsheviks. Children where encouraged to inform against their parents.  Whole families known as Kulaks.  Families  had managed to better themselves by Hard work and thrift. Where denounced by their enemies. For thirty pieces of silver Christ's children were betrayed. .

Had the Bolsheviks been content to stay with in their own borders that would have been bad enough. Like a Virus the Bolsheviks wished to spread their evil across the world.

In Germany despite her armies still unbeaten in the field. A pack of Communists and Jews, managed to pull off another coup.  These traitors to Germany and to Europe, signed an armistice hoping to deceive the German people into believing Germany was defeated.

Thus the Great war came to an end. Yet the seeds where sown for an even greater struggle.

Thus across Europe even into Ireland  Like in a game of chess of the ground  was being prepared for another battle. On one side would stand European Christian Civilisation. On the other godless Jewish Bolshevism.

As the Mother Church warned…

Entire peoples find themselves in danger of falling back into a barbarism worse than that which oppressed the greater part of the world at the coming of the Redeemer(3a)

After the Great war. The English  imposed a cruel peace treaty on Germany as they did onto Ireland. Like the Irish the German people had to stay divided. Austria and Germany where to be separated, 
 The German Army was reduced to only 100000 men. The Germans where stripped off her colonies.  Germany was blamed for starting the war alone. Not the merchants of death, Not the English and French who had conspired against Germany.  The German people alone. had to pay for the war. Widows and Orphans starved to meet the English debts. As Irish women and Children went hungry to meet the greed of English Landlords.

It was not only in German that English treachery prevailed. Italy had entered the war in 1916 on the Allied side.  Despite the sacrifice of thousands of Italians . The English refused to grant Italy what was due to her in return for her blood and hardship. While the English helped themselves to the rich pickings of the former Turkish Empire.

Thus Europe was divided and weak. In Moscow, the Bolsheviks looked on with glee.

Yet  hope was not lost. Across Europe men  and women looked to the East with horror and realised that something would have to be done. The story of the New Europe is the story of the triumph of these Men.

In Italy, Benito Mussolini. A journalist, and a patriot. Who had answered his countries call to arms during the great war. Saw that something needed to be done. Inspired by the example of Ancient Rome. Mussolini sought to restore Italy to her rightful place as a leader in European Christian civilisation.

The war was hard on Italy. Bands of Communists caused Chaos. While Italian politicians wasted time squabbling , and stealing.  Italy was plagued by poverty, and lawlessness. 

Inspired by Mussolinis god given gifts of Oratory thousands of Italians . Joined the Fascists. The Fasciti  quickly set to work. Challenging the Communists with word and deed. Encouraging Italians to remember the glory of Rome. Gathering support across Italy, and admiration across the world.
In October 1922 the  King summoned Mussolini to Rome in triumph to form a Government.

Mussolini, quickly set to work. He was a man of tireless energy, and strength. Millions of Jobs were created.  The Potine Marshes and  the nocturne Valley were turned into rich farmland. Mussolini saved the Lira from devaluation after the Wall Street crash. New Oil refineries were opened at Bari and Leghorn.  Autostade were built, and  electrification was vastly expanded.

Mussolini 's services to Italy were not just political or economic. Mussolini  healed the rift that existed between the Italian people and the Papacy.
When Italy was reunited. The Papacy lost lands to the New Kingdom of Italy.  There had been  squabbles between the Italian Government and the Papacy over this. Exasperated by Bolsheviks, who sought to stir up dissent and confusion across Europe. 
On the 11 February 1929. Mussolini and his Holiness Pope Pius 11th signed the Lateran treaties. This restored to the papacy the right to govern unopposed with in the Vatican city. Religious instruction was made compulsory in Primary and Secondary School. The Papacy was paid  a vast sum in Lira and Government bonds.

In Foreign Policy. Mussolini fought wars in Abyssinia, Sent help to General Franco in Spain. Opposed Bolshevism across Europe.

In 1936 Mussolini signed the Rome Berlin Axis with Adolph Hitler. Uniting Europe, from the Straits of Scilly to Kiel!

Adolph Hitler,  had been born in Austria, but had joined the German army in 1914. Where he won the Iron cross, fighting against the English.  As a young man Hitler had thought of becoming a priest. However  Hitler soon realised his calling lay elsewhere. Forswearing a life of comfort as an Artist, Hitler answered his countries and Europes call.  After the war, Hitler joined the National Socialist and German workers party, . There he  quickly gathered to him a group of great men.
Men like Doctor Gobbells, whose brilliant mind was able to find the lies the Bolsheviks hid in halftruths and sweet words. Men like Herman Goring. A war hero who had  served with the German air force during the great war.

Nor did Ireland lie unmolested  by the Bolsheviks. The Bolshevist cancer even managed to spread into our own country. Yet Irish men and women refused to see their churches burnt and their neighbours disappear into the night.

To quote James Hogan
"It was the growing menace of the Communist I.R.A. that called forth the Blueshirts as Communist Anarchy called forth the Blackshirts in Italy" (2)

General O Duffy. A Monaghan  Man. A former architect and engineer.  General O Duffy had fought in Irelands war of independence, he led the Monaghan Brigade Then in the civil war .  The General saw the developments in Europe with growing horror.   had two aims. To reunite Ireland, and to bring Ireland into the struggle for Europe.

O Duffys hard work  and dedication saw him made head of the Irish army and the Garda sirconna in 1924. When he was only 32. was the youngest general in Europe. A man of supreme energy and  ability. A natural successor to Collins.  ODuffy  managed to maintain his popularity with the ordinary Guard. The backbone of Ireland, The fine men,  you might know in your village or town.

O'Duffy was content to be a soldier and a servant of the Irish people. To work the Irish system from with in. Rather then plunge the country into civil war again.  The Institutions of the Irish nation had been so hard  won. General O' Duffy did not wish to see them destroyed.

Telling the Garda in 1927

You will remain steadfast and devoted in the service of the people and of any government which it may please the people to return to power."

However even in Ireland there were Reds and Traitors. Men Like Eamon de Valeria 
. Bloody with deaths of the civil war on his hands. Threatened to plunge Ireland into Bolshevism. Fiddling while European civilisation was threatened  by the fires of  looted churches.

It was in New York that the World was thrown into crisis. . Rich financers had gambled on the price of shares. A company issues shares when it wishes to raise money . There is nothing wrong with this when it allows a company  to buy a new factory or new machinery.  However New York’s Jewish money lenders deliberately allowed more shares to be sold then  were supported by the money. It was a Bubble, and it burst.

It was a gambling with people lives, with peoples farms and homes. All decent men, detest gamblers

Across the world Millions of people lost their Jobs. Hard working men who wanted to work, found themselves thrown out into the cold. Factories closed down. Farms were foreclosed. Families destroyed by want and despair.

The harsh peace treaty forced on the German people by the English . Meant that the Germans were forced to borrow money from abroad. The German people needed to borrow money get their country back on it’s feet. When the Crash came. Jewish bankers called in their loans.  Banks closed. Leading to a ripple across Germany. Throwing Millions of men out of work. Throwing Millions into want and despair.

Like the Protestants during the Famine. The Reds where only too eager to fill empty bellies with their poison.

Yet the German people knew they had a chance of salvation.  In 1933 Hitler was elected . The German people called Hitler to  take the position of Fuehrer ( Leader) Herr Hitler quickly set the German nation to work again. Like in Italy the Bolsheviks were quickly rounded up and smashed. 

Under Men like Doctor Todt, a devout Catholic. Hitler got Germany working again. Autobahns were built. Linking The whole of Germany. Young men were given useful work in the German labour corps. Forests were replanted.   The German army was rebuilt. So the patriotic youth of Germany had  an outlet for their energies. Farmers were guaranteed markets.
In 1936 Hitler invited the World to the Olympics. In Berlin. Germany was strong and proud again. In Moscow, the Bolsheviks cowered.

Hitler having saved the German body Politic, like his gallant Italian comrade remembered his duty to Germany's soul. In 1933 Hitler signed a Concordant with the Pope. Promising to respect the Holy Mother Church.

It was in Spain that the next round of the battle between  Civilisation and Bolshevism would be fought. 

Spain has a long and proud History.  It was fighting alongside  their Spanish brothers that the Irish came to within a gasp of freeing their homeland  at Kinsale. Spain gave thousands of Irishmen and women sanctuary in the dark days of English tyranny in Ireland. Spain had stood true to the Catholic faith for centuries, and had spread Christianity and Civilisation throughout the world.

Sadly the Spanish kings had become indolent. . Spain  had stayed neutral in the great War and across Spain men prayed for  a future of peace and prosperity.
It was not to be the case. The Bolshevists under orders from Moscow. Quickly set about sowing the seeds of hate and  division. In this proud country. The Bolshevist doctrine of divide and conquer set the regions of Spain against each other. Workers against Managers  Farmers against townspeople.  Instead of harmony Chaos.

Shocked at this General Francisco Franco with a heavy heart. Led his countrymen against the Bolshevist inspired Spanish republic. Civil wars are the most evil of wars. When Brother fights against Brother.  Yet despite their bravery the armies of Franco could make little headway against the Spanish republic. Which had taken the famous name of Spain and reduced it to slavery. Bolshevik Volunteers including secret police ravaged the Spanish countryside. The Bolshevists Spaniards were supplied with modern weapons by the greedy Bankers who looted the Churches of Spain.

Seeing this O'Duffy was inspired by God 1936 to form a Irish Brigade to fight for Franco in Spain's Civil War. this great deed brought joy  to the hearts of the Catholic Church, and all good Irishmen across the world.

In Madrid priests are battered to death on the altars, and their heads stuck on the railings outside the churches by howling mobs of women and youths armed by the Government. In Barcelona convents are sacked, the nuns stripped of their clothing and forced to walk naked before the mob. Men, women and children are being hung up alive on trees in the streets and fires lit under them.

As the Dean of Cashel said:
"The Irish Brigade have gone to fight the battle of Christianity against Communism. There are tremendous difficulties facing the men under O'Duffy and only heroes can fight such a battle"

Five thousand Irish men  answered O’Duffy’s call. The Irish Brigade  set off for Spain on an German troopship leaving from Galway.  Europe had already started to move as one against Jewish Bolshevism.

Remembering their old comradeship when the Irish reached Franco’s headquarters Spanish people shouted ``Viva Irlanda’’

Or as Cardinal MacRory. The primate of the Irish church said. :

"There is no room any longer for any doubt as to the issues at stake in the Spanish conflict. It is not a question of the Army against the people, nor the Army plus the aristocracy and the Church against Labour. Not at all. It is a question of whether Spain will remain as she has been for so long, a Christian and Catholic land or a Bolshevist and anti-God one"

 The Irish brigade fought bravely in Spain.  It became part of the Army of Africa. It was personally inspected by Franco, and won praise from there German  brothers in arms. The Irish brigade quiet piety impressed the people of Caceres

In 1939 Hitler found himself forced to take Germany to war again. After securing his eastern frontier.
Herr Hitler  moved against the English and the French in Scandinavia. Then  skilfully led the German army  against France.  Despite the bravery shown by the French army. The Germans defeated the French in a matter of weeks.  Driving the English back across the Channel with their tail between their legs at Dunkirk.

Hitler never forgot that once you beat  a man. You should  help up onto his feet again. In France Marshal Petain a brave French soldier, A good Catholic who had fought the Germans in the great war Signed a peace treaty with Hitler that ended the fighting. The Decadent Third republic was dissolved. France looked now to the Family, Work and nation. The Old France, the France that Sarsfield and the Irish brigrade knew. The France of Joan of Arc, the France of 1798 was reborn
 Marshal Petain stood shoulder to shoulder with Hitler during the march on Moscow.  When  Europe was in danger  the French would not be found wanting.

In late August 1940 Hitler launched operation Sealion, the invasion of England. The Luftwaffe destroyed the Royal Navy, the Tyranny of the seas was finally broken. In 12 days the German army swept to the gates of London. Despite air raids on German cities that killed thousands of German Women and Children. Hitler refused to revenge himself against British cities.

General Students forces landed in the North of Ireland. . Irish men and women rallied to them. The British army and the Orangemen driven into the sea. As  German discipline and Irish gallantry proved too much for the British. The Germany Army put modern rifles into Irish Arms. In Dublin, De Valeria fled to New York. Pausing only too steal Irelands gold reserves.

On the 2nd of October the Tricolour was raised over Stormont.

At Easter 1942. General Student and General O'Duffy and Mr Breen,  joined Cardinal MacRory in lighting the Pascal fire on the hills of Tara. At long last with the help of its gallant allies in Europe Ireland was free, and Catholic again. The Irish people acclaimed General O Duffy as there leader.

The British empire asked for an armistice a few days later. The British where to withdraw from Ireland. Disband the RAF, hand over to a international tribunal. Certain war criminals. Men who had ordered attacks on European cities without any concern for women and children. The men  who had ordered the treacherous attack on the French fleet , where brought to justice. Churchill, an evil man, who had caused so much misery had been killed during the fighting in London.

The Duke of Windsor  acted as an intermediary between  Germany and the British. Bringing peace to Western Europe. 
In the West, the Guns fell silent. For the last time.

In 1941 Hitler led an attack on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. All of Europe answered his call to the defence of the colours of Christian civilisation.  French and Italians, Scandinavians and Spanish. Irish men fought alongside their German brothers. Men like Unterscharfuehrer Brady and  Dr Patrick ONeill.

The horrors of the Bolshevist regime where brought into the light of day. In Kaytrn the mass graves of thousands of Catholic soldiers where discovered. Across the USSR the Europeans re opened churches, and thousands of people enlisted in their armies

In 1941 The Germans led  Europe into Moscow in triumph. In the Summer of 1942  The Bolshevik menace was driven out of Europe never to return.

Today a generation after the war. The New Europe grows in peace and prosperity. Old hatreds are forgotten. No longer does the Bolshevist  horde or the greed or a few threaten us again. The German naval bases at Lough Swilly and Cobh  Are a testament to Irelands commitment to the New Europe.
Irish soldiers work with their French and Italian brothers in North Africa. Irish and British SS regiments  stand together in defence of Christian civilisation from attack. The SS Hibernia and the SS legion of St George play each other at rugby every year.

However whilst the Bolshevists have been beaten the struggle still goes on. There are those who would see the heresy of Communism revived again in Our land. Plotting in far off places. Like rats skulking in Corners.  Spreading their lies on radio, Or crudely written on a gable end . It is your duty to help us catch all those who support these Men. It is the last battle for Irelands freedom.

Remember we are not just Irishmen. We can claim another title:



To do.

1 Write an essay describing Irelands role in the New Order

2 Design a poster to persuade Young Men to fight in the Irish brigade in Spain.

3 Look up the Life of Unterscharfuehrer Brady in your Library!

4 Visit your Army comrades association hall in town.

5 Do a project on the SS Hibernia, or the SS Casement regiment


Basically Hitler manages to pull of Sealion. Followed by Operation Kathleen. The invasion of Northern Ireland. A Blueshirt-IRA rising in the South sweeps Dev from power. This is unlikely. There was too much animus between those two parties. Mercifully. Though The IRA did look to European fascism as much to Communism during its past.  Ireland takes it place in the New Europe.

This is of course a Hitler with strategic vision, patience and skill, which beyond the coke snorting anti-Semite.

This is unlikely to say the least. However my aim here was not to supply you with a likely AH scenario. It was rather to explore the murky past that Fascism and anti Semitism have in Eire, rather then Ireland.

Hence it is an anti Semitic and anti English rant. It is full of contradictions. Indeed Lies. Hitler doesnt Blitz London. Notice I didnt mention the invasion of Poland. The gallant Polish Officers slain at Katyrn here are remembered only due to their religion.

Hence the quotes in here are all accurate. The Historical characters all accurate. Up to 1940. Whether O Duffy would have been our Fuehrer. I don't know.  Collins worked with him. Though Collins biggest flaw was that he was a little too tolerant with his friends.  He tried to bully Dev in 1933. Dev called his bluff, and O'Duffy faded from view.  I have made him Irelands man on the white horse.

 Brady is a real character.

The description of WW2, the wall street crash, the rise of Hitler, and Mussolini are of course fanciful, one sided and absurd.

Whether Hitler would have given the Irish a united island. I cannot say. For the purposes of this piece. I have them. Though German propaganda during WW2 did promise this. ( Indeed and a day at the races) My view is that the Germans do to weaken the UK, and keep the Irish dependent on them . One wonders whether there are bars in the US, where go home Irish soldier can be heard....

The SS Hibernia and SS Casement regiments are my invention. The Germans did try to recruit an Irish brigade from Irish POW's in the British army.  The Casement regiment, is my invention in particular. Sir Robert would never have wasted a minute on the Nazi's.

From Bardon’s A history of  Ulster….
Nationalist propaganda in N Ireland Catholic newspaper Irish News typified in Brian Moore, Emperor of Ice-Cream: ‘A Jewish name discovered in an account of a financial transaction, a Franco Prussian victory over the godless Reds, a hint of British perfidy in international affairs, an Irish triumph on the sports field, an evidence of Protestant bigotry, a discovery of Ulster governmental corruption.’

1a, 2a, 3a,